Ideologies, you shall come to naught An all original poem by Sujay Rao Mandavilli
Ideologies, you shall come
to naught
An all original poem by Sujay Rao Mandavilli
You were born nobly and were well-born as the 'science of ideas',
Though later regressed to the status of pariahs,
Of gentle birth and aristocratic pedigree,
Cloaked and masquerading as science by any measure or degree,
A noble and praiseworthy endeavor indeed, and for sure,
Impressive and first rate by any measure,
Your claimed intentions were there for all to see,
Oh! wretched of the earth, you may indeed nut cases be,
Your ideas were touted to be pursued at leisure,
In a gentle and a genteel context birthed and gestated, paradoxically,
But have not so thankfully devolved, diversified, digressed and scattered ever since pitifully,
And have horribly and irretrievably lost your way,
And are doomed to grope in the calamitous shadows till death's day,
You have lost all your sense of direction and you have lost sight of all your goals,
And have run aground to the shoals,
Things gradually and steadily fell apart; you have lost your coherence and direction too;
Ideologies have the propensity to make you nutty, too,
You plod on aimlessly, and have generally failed to reinvent yourself anew,
Chaos, disorder and disarray are let loose on society at large,
You, your quotidian duties cleverly and deviously dodge,
Spreading your fangs like a venomous snake,
Depleted intellectual faculties, illogical, irrational ways,
As you bid your common sense farewell and adieu,
Loss of personal self-respect and dignity shall ensue,
You, your opponents and adversaries shamelessly berate,
And in vain the intellectual course of affairs try to dominate,
Your ideologies make you impervious to reality,
In spite of your apparent lack of shame and tenacity,
You turned against the very culture that fostered you and nourished you,
And against the high tides of civilization itself, oh mind you,
Turned against the society whose cause you should have served,
Earning the praise that you should have deserved,
Time will no longer serve your cause, you pitiful souls,
You understand little and know little,
You comprehend little and perceive little,
Profoundness and comprehensiveness are not your forte,
Profoundness and comprehensiveness are not within your intellect's grasp,
Puffing it all up under the vain cloak and garb of substantiated knowledge alas,
Ensconced prettily in your intellectual cul de sacs,
You with your intellectual capabilities crippled, walked upon the land,
Throwing tantrums when cornered,
Proffering rants when pressured,
You ways may be subtle or gross,
Your subject matter at times barely discernable or out of the closet,
Your ways of the world may be stated or unstated,
Your techniques may be explicit or implicit,
Your recipe, though generally ossified, may be either discernible or intangible to boot,
You may take on myriad forms and dimensions too,
And all qualms, inhibitions and subtleties overshoot,
With external manifestations and pretensions that abound,
With many a complex declension if that is the word,
But ideologies you are all doomed,
Ideologies you shall perish only too soon,
Ideologies you shall stand no ground,
The vested interests you create will run you to the ground,
Leaving chaos and confusion all around,
Deceit and calumny though your vehicle for propagation may be,
Deception and duplicity too may your name be,
You shall dissipate entirely in vain,
As you are already moribund, and therefore in trivialities deign,
And are already a near-fatality,
Of the ever-escalating echelons of civilization and progress a casualty,
You shall come crashing down,
Without any lingering fame or renown,
With scarcely a remnant or a footprint left for posterity,
Born half-heartedly and purposelessly as that is the case,
You shall vanish and be effaced from man's collective consciousness in any case,
You shall all but come to naught,
You memories shall be effaced from the ground,
And no cenotaph or epitaph shall bear your name,
You do not deserve the limelight, make no mistake,
That regardless of your sophistry is indeed unfortunately the case,
You are not erudite and well informed,
Dogma, rigidity of thought, and intransigence is what you chase,
You are only assuming and overbearing, indeed that is the case,
Clumsy, ponderous, overarching and pedantic,
Ghoulish, hideous, and eccentric,
Pompous, naïve and vain,
You have been torn asunder and gone astray, you saboteurs,
Oh! ideology-drenched and ideology-soaked practitioners,
Subtle or gross,
Half-awake and half-aware, or shrouded in utter secrecy,
Wedded into human relationships and institutions to a fault,
Often your thorny swords you do brandish,
Seeking out the naïve and gullible to ambush,
Your endeavours shall only be in vain and come to naught,
Some have only highly misplaced intentions as that is the case,
The rest have gone awry or were birthed in cold blood,
You are self-serving and self-seeking in the name of altruism,
Your activism academic or non-academic is a name for absurdism,
Pandering and catering to your respective egos alone,
You only pretend to be sacrosanct and are sanctimonious too,
Pretenses of impudent sassiness notwithstanding,
Your saving graces are none at all,
You are doomed to fail and doomed to fall,
You shall bite the dust with your trophies, bronzes, and them all.
It is only when ideologies expire or are made redundant and unnecessary,
More clearly will we be able to far and near see,
All things meticulously and creatively assessed, analyzed and said,
It is only then will the foundations of civilization will be laid.
Labels: Sujay Rao Mandavilli